Strong Dosages

Strong Dosages

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Erectile dysfunction (ED) is one of the common sexual disorders characterized by chronic feeble erection. There are numerous medicines available to overcome this debilitating sexual condition, and Fildena is one of them, which is clinically proven, effective and affordable. Fildena has the potential to help men experience harder and durable erection so that they can improve their sexual performance and please their partner.

The category “strong dosages” of contains generic ED medicines, such as:

Fildena XXX is a fruit chew medicine that is easy to consume. All you need to do is chew and swallow the pill. Fildena Extra Power and Fildena Strong are the powerful versions of medicines that are prescribed for men with moderate to severe degree of ED. Though they are safe and effective in use, it is important that you use then under the supervision of your medical professional.

Sildenafil Citrate is the active drug of these generic ED pills, which is the first recognized oral therapeutic agent approved or ED treatment. Undoubtedly, Sildenafil Citrate is one of the best ED drugs for men with persistent penile failure. The drug enhances blood flow to the sexual organ so that a man experiences stronger and long-lasting erection to perform well in the bed.

You should use Fildena exactly as suggested by your medical advisor. The advised dose is ought to be consumed approximately one hour before sexual practice. The drug acts very well when taken on an empty stomach. Overdose with stronger dosages of Fildena can lead to unpleasant adverse effects that need emergency medical attention. You must take Fildena when you wish to make love and not more than once in a day.

Facial flushing, stuffy nose, blurry vision, upset stomach and headache are a few common side effects that often subside. Stop your sexual activity and call your healthcare provider if you experience chest pain, breathlessness or skin rashes.

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